Okuma Pch Custom Rods follow the style of their own Makaira Rods. They don’t have the fashionable abalone underlay, but they use the 24T carbon blanks and add a few other tantalizing features. All models include a 3K carbon layer of outer wrapping that finishes off the rod blank. The result is a tremendous increase in hoop strength. Rod tip strength increases as well due to the addition of UFR-II (Ultimate Flex Reinforcement rod tip technology). Finally, quality components round out Okuma Pch Custom Rods and there are plenty of models to choose from.
Okuma Pch Custom Rods

Product: Okuma Pch Custom Saltwater Casting & Popping Spinning Rods.
Overall Ranking: 92 out of 100.
Price: Mid Range.
Company: Okuma Fishing Tackle Co., LTD.
Website: OkumaFishing.com.
Intro To Okuma Pch Custom Rods
Okuma Pch Custom Rods are a mate for those anglers who prefer carbon fiber technology in their rod blanks. It’s understandable that fishermen lean towards these types of rods, with their lightweight and responsive characteristics. Within the Okuma Pch lineup, there are 3 Popping rod models for use with spinning reels. There are 12 models in the Okuma Pch Casting series, 3 each in lengths of 7′, 7’6″, 8′, and 9′ rods. You’ll also find 2 different styles of handles in the casting series, and a third separate handle style for the popping rods. Let’s dig in deeper!
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Okuma Pch Rod Models, Specs, & Features
Casting Models
• PCH-C-701M • PCH-C-701H • PCH-C-701XH
• PCH-C-761M • PCH-C-761H • PCH-C-761XH
• PCH-C-801MH • PCH-C-801H • PCH-C-801XH
• PCH-C-901MH • PCH-C-901H • PCH-C-901XH
Popping Spinning Models
• PCHP-S-761MH • PCHP-S-761H • PCHP-S-761XH
Specs Of Okuma Pch Casting Rods
Okuma offers 12 different Pch models in the casting series. All fast action one-piece blanks, these rods range in power from medium to extra-heavy. Note that Okuma calls these ratings by rod action, though it isn’t action at all. At least it gives anglers an idea of how much weight each model can handle. Another feature that all rods share is the quality ALPS CAH aluminum reel seats. You’ll also find the 24T carbon blank, Ultimate Flex Tip Technology, and ALPS non-skid rubber butt caps on all Pch rods. These features apply to all models but there are changes to be aware of as well. Let’s break those down below:
- Medium, Medium-Heavy, & Heavy Power rods use Fuji K guides with Alconite inserts.
- Extra-Heavy rods change to ALPS HXN guides with Zirconium inserts.
- 7′ & 7’6″ rod handles use Tapered TPE for both fore and rear grips.
- 8′ & 9′ rod handles use Tapered Shrink Tube for both fore and rear grips.

7′ & 7’6″ Pch Rod Specs
As above, rod handles on these size models are tapered and use TPE (Thermoplastic Elastomers) padded grips. Both 7′ and 7’6″ rods feature 9 line guides plus the tip. Remember that the two extra-heavy models will have ALPS HXN line guides with Zirconium inserts. Medium and heavy power models use Fuji K line guides with Alconite inserts. Line ratings are the same whether you choose a 7′ or 7’6″ Pch rod. Medium power models rate for 12-25 pound mono, heavy power rods rate between 20-50, and extra-heavy rods rate for 30-60.

8′ & 9′ Pch Rod Specs
Moving up to the two longer Okuma Pch rods brings a change in handle material, if not style. They still have the tapered design, but switch from TPE grips to Shrink Tube. This applies to both the fore and rear grips. Another change you might notice is that the power ratings move up from medium to medium-heavy in the lightest spot. You still have heavy power and extra-heavy models available. Line guides follow the same pattern, with ALPS in the extra-heavy power models. These longer rods do call for more guides with 10 + tip on the 8′ models and 11 + tip on the 9′ lengths.
Line ratings are the final specification to be aware of, and they do increase on the two longer Pch casting rods. The lightest choice rods make that move up in power from medium to medium-heavy and now call for 15-40 pound mono. Next up is 8′ heavy power Pch casting rod which rates between 20-50. Notice the 9′ heavy rod goes up, with power between 20-60. The same goes for the extra-heavy rated rods. 8′ models rate for 30-60 pound mono while the 9′ rates between 30-80.

Okuma Pch Popping Rod Specs

The Pch Popping rod models are for throwing out poppers with spinning reels. Like the casting rods, they are all one piece 24T carbon blank rods with the Reinforced Flex Tip Technology. Because they are spinning rods, they drop in the number of line guides to 6 + tip. Pch Popping rods only come with the single length option of 7’6″ but do offer power ratings of medium-heavy, heavy, and extra-heavy. These match up to popper weights of 1-6 oz, 2-8 oz, and 2-10 ounces respectively.
A big change from the casting models shows in the style of handle. Pch Popping rods use a short TPE tapered fore grip. The bottom handle is split with the blank showing and it has TPE grip near the butt as well as below the reel seat. Using the ALPS guides, the Pch Popping rods also offer higher line ratings. You’ll find that the medium-heavy power model rates for 40-60 pound mono. The heavy power rod rates between 50-80 and the biggest extra-heavy model rates for 60-100 pound mono.
Features Of Okuma Pch Custom Rods
24T Carbon Fiber Rod Blanks
Different compositions of carbon fiber rate on a tonnage scale for their tensile strength. Manufacturers know through testing, trial, and error that 24T offers a sensitivity greatly desirable in fishing rods. Just as important, 24T carbon fiber is incredibly strong and it’s not brittle. Carbon fiber over 24 tons may offer more strength, but it also becomes more brittle.
Ultimate Flex Reinforcement Rod Tip Technology
Okuma keeps the technology a secret but calls it UFR-II. Also known as Ultimate Flex Reinforcement, the II signifies an improvement over previous technology. UFR-II technology adds lifting strength to the rod tip, giving a Pch model 3 times the ability of a standard offshore stick.
What’s even more impressive about the UFR-II rod tip technology is it doesn’t sacrifice any sensitivity. Neither does it add weight and make the blank off balance. UFR-II technology makes the rod tip noticeably stronger and still gives an indication at the slightest nibble.
3K Carbon Fiber Outer Blank Wrap
Before application of the final clear seal, and woven around the 24T carbon blank is an extra layer of 3K carbon fiber. You can see the layers of carbon mesh through the clear coat as they weave their patterns. It offers an attractive design but better yet, it adds another element of strength to an already powerful rod.
Fuji K Guides With Alconite Inserts
Found exclusively on Okuma Pch Custom Rods with power ratings of medium to heavy. Fuji K guides are quality stainless steel and use a hard Alconite material for the insert. Both materials are resistant to corrosion making them ideal for ocean use. In addition, the Alconite makes a hard yet smooth surface for mono line to pass through and is more than capable of handling braid.
ALPS HXN Guides With Zirconium Inserts
Exclusive to the extra-heavy power Okuma Pch models, it’s nice to see a beefier line guide in these heavier rods. To do the job, Okuma again chooses quality in ALPS HXN guides. Like the Fuji K guides, they are stainless steel but they have thicker frames and use Zirconium inserts.
ALPS CAH Aluminum Reel Seats
Moving on to the reel seats, again Okuma goes to ALPS for quality. All Okuma Pch casting and popping rod models use ALPS CAH aluminum reel seats. The strength, durability, and lock in power of an ALPS reel seat mean you don’t lose any sleep worrying about losing an expensive reel.
TPE Padded Or Shrink Tube Grips
Pch Custom Rods use either TPE padded grips over their tapered handles or Shrink Tube grip. TPE stands for Thermoplastic Elastomers, which is a rubber material much like the EVA padded foam-like material used on many rods. Anglers will find the TPE grips on the shorter 7′ & 7’6″ Pch casting rods as well as the Pch Popping rod models. Okuma Pch casting rods in the 8′ & 9′ lengths switch to durable and sensitive Shrink Tube grips.
ALPS Non-Skid Rubber Butt Caps
Fitting comfortably in any type of rod belt and with enough rubber to protect an angler’s stomach are ALPS butt caps. They are durable and offer good grip so the rod doesn’t slip out of place. Whether leaning against the boat rail or bent over with a live one, ALPS rubber caps make a fine finish to the butt end of Pch rods.
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Pros & Cons Of Okuma Pch Rods
The craftsmanship, material, design, and choice of quality components make Okuma Pch Custom Rods a steal for the asking price. They fish well with either mono or braided line especially on the up and down. Anglers will find that Pch rods offer good casting distance, though not like a true jig stick. On the up and down vertical jig or when fishing a rock pile, the extra strength and sensitivity of the rod tip go a long way. Of course, the Okuma Pch Popping Rods make a fine offering for popper style fishing.
Most angler complaints about Okuma Pch rods come down to preference rather than design. Some anglers don’t care for carbon fiber rod blanks, preferring a composite or E-glass material. Anglers that prefer casting rods with a more moderate or slow action will also want to look elsewhere. CalStar, Seeker, and Phenix make several higher end rods that surpass the abilities of Okuma Pch models. They come with a higher asking price as well.
What Style Of Saltwater Fishing Calls For Okuma Pch Custom Rods?
Okuma Pch Rods are perfect for medium distance casting, running live bait, or fishing the vertical jig. There are limitations in power on the lighter and heavier end as well as in shorter rod lengths. These rods will handle all types of gamefish from tuna up to 150-200 pounds, and lighter jack in the 15-30 pound range. They make effective setups if you pair them with Okuma Makaira or Daiwa Saltiga reels. Either single or two-speed reels will do, depending on your preference. Pair a 9′ medium-heavy Pch casting rod with a Penn Fathom star drag reel and you’ll enjoy both its casting and fish fighting efforts.
Pch Popping rods are for a different saltwater angler entirely. They work best for throwing poppers or live bait on the surface water with a spinning reel. You’ll want to look at reels like the Okuma Makaira Spinning Reel or Shimano Stella for such purposes.
Okuma Customer/Rod Support
Customer care is always a top priority for the Okuma Fishing Tackle Corp. All rods come with a 1-year manufacturer’s warranty with an online product registration portal. Okuma offers service centers around the USA and worldwide in the case of any mishaps. They offer rod repair or replacement under warranty, or for a charge if outside of normal manufacturer limitations and/or rod defects.
Final Verdict On Okuma Pch Rods
92 out of 100 offshore anglers approve of Okuma Pch Custom Rods
Okuma offers truly incredible value in their Pch line of saltwater rods. Anglers that enjoy the strength and sensitivity of carbon fiber blanks need only find a power and length that meets their needs on the ocean. The 9′ extra-heavy casting models make a decent substitute for a jig stick, though vertical fishing is the calling of Pch rods. With the extra strength due in large part to the UFR-II rod tip technology, Pch rods pull extra hard. Consider a two-speed reel to really put the hammer down on fish during vertical battles.
Thank you for the review would you recommend the PCH XXXXH for a 15 day LR targeting 200+ YF. I would use it with a Makaira 50 II Sea reel. Hard to justify paying 500.00 for a rod I might only use 1 time. I have a UC viper 60-130 not sure it’s heavy enough for a 50 Mak Sea.
A few guys on BD give the rod a positive recommendation.
Thank you in advance for you response.
Ralph C
For sure Ralph. It makes sense that you don’t want to splurge on a Super Seeker for a one time trip of a lifetime.
I certainly approve of the Pch, so let’s talk specifications. Most of the long range boats (out of San Diego) recommend a 100 lb setup. Going a bit larger won’t hurt.
It seems like you already have the Makaira 50, because the specs on the 80 match the 4XH. I don’t see an issue, however, using the 50 with the 7’4″ 4X. You could drop to the 3X, which is still a 7’4 rod. It matches the specs better, but it’s completely up to you.
I do recommend a stress test using your complete setup, braided line (spectra or whatever), and maybe bench press weights. Just tie a strong knot when you do.
Man I hope you kill it out there. Tight lines and send a report if you have the inclination. Geoff.
What rod works best 761m 12-25 for my Saltiga 30 star drag fishing live bait 50lb power pro with short 20 to 30lb Flouro leaders. Or would the 761h 20-50 be a better option. Thanks for you feed back
That’s s good question Ken. The 7’6″ medium power rod is a bit light for the Saltiga 30. It would work but you leave alot of the reel’s power on the table.
I would go with 7’6″ heavy but I wouldn’t count the 8′ MH rod out either. The length may be more than you prefer for live bait and travel, but it makes a good tool if you decide to switch up and cast some iron.
Hope this helps. You’re looking at an extremely effective combo whichever you decide to go with. Tight lines. Geoff.
Great review!!! would your recommend a 9f PCH XH 30-80 over Seeker ULA 9’3 30- 60 for throwing jigs for big Yellows and tuna 80-150lbs
I like the PCH for the asking price but I much prefer the quality of Seeker.
I am 72 Yrs old, and am looking for a PCH rod for throwing Bombs and Jigs for Wahoo. I feel that an 8′ rod is just a bit to long for me, so I am looking at the PCH 761XH. I will pare it with an Avet HXJ 5/2 Raptor with either 80 or 65 braid and 50 mono. What can you tell me?
When it comes to casting, length of the rod can help but it isn’t everything. Recoil strength is important and fast action rods don’t always have the most fling either. Having strong recoil and medium-fast action can make a great casting rod, with practice and a good technique. Hope this helps. Geoff.