As technology continues to reduce the weights of rods and reels, so the need for smaller line increases. Smaller reels like the Seigler SG or the Daiwa Saltiga can handle a lot of fish. They don’t, however, have the capacity of those larger reel spools. In comes Power Pro Maxcuatro braided fishing line. Power Pro set out with the goal of producing a thinner line that doesn’t lose any strength. The resulting Maxcuatro delivers, with a 25% reduction in diameter in comparison to other braided lines.
Power Pro Maxcuatro

Product: Power Pro Maxcuatro braided fishing line.
Overall Ranking: 88 out of 100.
Price: Lower high-end range.
Company/Owner: Shimano, Inc.
Intro To Power Pro Maxcuatro

The secret sauce when it comes to a thinner braided line is in the fiber. and it’s Honeywell that provides the recipe. The main ingredient is Spectra HT Fiber which is 25% stronger than any previous Honeywell products. Power Pro Maxcuatro uses this Spectra HT Fiber to achieve a thinner line. In fact, Maxcuatro is 25% thinner in diameter than any other Power Pro line of the same pound test.
How does a thinner braided fishing line help, you ask? Good question. A thinner braid allows you to cast farther and put more line on your reel. Honeywell also makes a good point saying it reduces visibility in the water.
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Spools, Specs, & Features Of Power Pro Maxcuatro
Power Pro makes the Maxcuatro starting at 20 LB test and going up as high as 100 LB test. It’s available in spools from 150 yards to 3000 yards, though not in all tests. As for color, all sizes come in Moss Green or Hi-Vis Yellow. Check the complete rundown of spools below:
- 20 LB: 150, 300, 500, & 1500 yards
- 30 LB: 150, 300, 500, & 1500 yards
- 40 LB: 150, 300, 500, & 1500 yards
- 50 LB: 150, 500, 1500, & 3000 yards
- 65 LB: 150, 500, 1500, & 3000 yards
- 80 LB: 150, 500, 1500, & 3000 yards
- 100 LB: 150, 500, 1500, & 3000 yards

Here’s where things get interesting due to the fact that Maxcuatro line is 25% thinner. If this is so, line diameter will show it when compared to other Power Pro lines. A look at the standard Power Pro Spectra line reveals that 50 LB test has a diameter of 0.36 millimeters or 0.014 inches. Maxcuatro 50 LB test has a diameter of 0.32 (MM) or 0.012 (IN). See the breakdown of Maxcuatro line diameters, as well as their comparisons to monofilament line below:
- 20 LB: 0.19 (MM) 0.007 (IN) – 4 pound mono
- 30 LB: 0.23 (MM) 0.009 (IN) – 6 pound mono
- 40 LB: 0.28 (MM) 0.011 (IN) – 8 pound mono
- 50 LB: 0.32 (MM) 0.012 (IN) – 10 pound mono
- 65 LB: 0.36 (MM) 0.014 (IN) – 12 pound mono
- 80 LB: 0.41 (MM) 0.016 (IN) – 18 pound mono
- 100 LB: 0.43 (MM) 0.017 (IN) – 20 pound mono
Features Of Power Pro Maxcuatro
Honeywell’s Spectra HT Fiber
By all means, the biggest feature of Maxcuatro braided fishing line is its thin diameter. This wouldn’t be possible without Honeywell and their Spectra HT Fiber. Up to 30% stronger than traditional Spectra fiber, the Maxcuatro 4 strand braid drops 25% in diameter. Smaller diameter in your braided line comes with a few advantages.
Better Casting Distance – As a rule, the thinner the line the farther it will cast. It has less surface area and so less air resistance. Lessen the surface area of braided line and you also reduce the friction against rod guides.
More Line On Your Reel – This one is common sense. Lessen the diameter of your braided line and you’ll get more yards on the reel spool.
Less Visibility In The Water – Thin line is, by nature, harder for fish to see than thicker fishing line.
Check Maxcuatro Line On Amazon
Pros & Cons Of Power Pro Maxcuatro
As powerful offshore setups shed size and weight, it helps that the line follows suit. Maxcuatro answers that need without sacrificing strength. Besides the aforementioned benefits to casting, spool length, and visibility, Power Pro Maxcuatro has other advantages.
With a spotlight on smaller setups, there’s no reason not to use Maxcuatro on larger size reels. Just be sure the specs match up. This will add even more precious yards to your reel as insurance against getting spooled. Finally, the reduction in line diameter also results in less water friction or drag. You won’t need as much weight on the drop to keep your intended fishing zone.
There’s really no getting around it. Power Pro Maxcuatro uses a four strand braid count or four carriers as they call it. This is necessary to achieve a thinner diameter and keep line strength. It’s also probably why you don’t see tests under 20 LB or over 100. At any rate, strand count isn’t such an issue until your line is knicked. Four strands minus one will lose more integrity than eight minus one.
Power Pro also spins their Maxcuatro with a gel, which helps make it softer than normal braid. This may help reduce some friction, but it makes it tougher to tie knots with and handle in general. Finally, Power Pro doesn’t come cheap and Maxcuatro runs your cost up even higher.
Best Use Of Power Pro Maxcuatro
With tests ranging between 20 and 100 pounds, Maxcuatro has its limitations in the overall world of fishing. It’s fine for fresh or saltwater, but you won’t be able to use it for light or extremely heavy fishing. Still, that leaves a large amount of room for use.
Big catfish and striper come to mind in the freshwater arena. Perhaps some lunker bass. Out on the ocean, use it for any type of reel. Hook into tuna, roosters, amberjack, trevally, yellowtail, you name it. Power Pro Maxcuatro will work wonders.
Power Pro Support provides all the information you need to contact customer support. This includes a phone number, address, and email. Warranties are by application only (no 3rd party sellers) which Power Pro provides on site. You may also send a direct electronic message to Shimano using the Contact Us page.
Last Thoughts On Power Pro Maxcuatro
88 out of 100 anglers give a thumbs up to Power Pro Maxcuatro Line
Power Pro Maxcuatro fills a great need with the popularity of smaller gear. For those fishermen that don’t mind the extra cost, the line offers solid value. An overall score below 90 is mostly due to the limitations in test and color. You can’t use Maxcuatro everywhere, but it catches fish where you can. Be sure to share your thoughts, questions or experiences about Power Pro’s Maxcuatro in the comment box below.
any chance of getting 10 lb test ?? Line diameter 0.12mm
Hey Steve. My guess is that there isn’t enough demand, or the nature of the Spectra HT Fiber prevents a decent product under 20 LBS.
I poked around the internet a bit but didn’t find any info about it. Give me a bit and I’ll message Shimano to see what they say.
25% diametric reduction in size is greater than 40% reduction in line volume on your reel !
I’m not quite sure what you’re trying to explain here. If the line diameter is reduced by 25%, you get more than 40% more line on your reel? Please explain. Geoff.
There may be a drawback to a smaller-diameter line. This from an article in (
“With braided line, it’s very important — particularly on baitcast reels — to select your line more by diameter than break strength,” says Clay Norris, Berkley’s senior brand product manager for fishing lines. He explains with an example: If using mono on a large baitcaster, you might go with 20-pound — roughly the size line for which it was designed. But if you put 20-pound braid on the same reel, that’s like filling up with 6-pound mono — in terms of the braid’s diameter and performance — on a reel not designed for such small line. Among the problems that can result is the line “digging into itself.” The solution, if you want to use braid, is to go with a larger-diameter braid, even if the strength is considerably greater. You can fish it like 20-pound — or fall back on the extra strength if you unexpectedly need it.
In addition, a larger-diameter line will be more resistant to abrasion than a smaller-diameter line of the same material.
Thanks for your comment, Todd. While this is all true, there are still times and certain species that can be line shy. I did mention these issues in the Cons section of the review, though this article goes into more detail. The “digging in” is perhaps the largest issue for the offshore angler using MaxCuatro as a backing. If a fish peels off that much line, you probably have a tight drag set. And the drag will likely increase (unless the angler eases off) with that much line off as well. Geoff.
Hello ,
I purchased a 330 yard spool 50# of Maxcautro last fall to fish the Cape Cod Canal here in Mass but health issues kept me home . Once this virus has passed us by I’m going back. Could you please tell me what the breaking strength is of my 50 # Max ? Thank you
Some brands like Tuf-Line break higher than they are rated. With Power Pro, the true breaking strengths show very little deviation from their listed strengths. You could expect that the #50 Maxcuatro would break at or very close to fifty pounds of pressure. I wouldn’t set a drag anywhere near that strength to account for the acceleration of the fish once hooked.
l got a 500yds spool brand new with the box and plastic wrap which has a knot after 300yards with some type of glue that looks like a factory knot why its it’s that?
Sounds like the line was spliced at the factory and you happened to get that spool. It should have been tossed out. I think it’s safe to say that’s a defect.
Looking for max cuatro 100 pound 500 yards in white,why can’t I find it?
Not sure. Have you reached out to Power Pro?