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Trokar Circle Hooks Review – Surgically Sharpened Eagle Claw Hooks

Eagle Claw hooks line the shelves of freshwater tackle shops all across the United States. As the only hook company with its foundation and continued operation in the USA, they are an American staple. Upon their release, Eagle Claw branded Trokar hooks for use with freshwater tackle. Trokar Circle Hooks, however, are incredibly effective for saltwater fishing. With a Platinum Black Chrome Finish that conceals and prevents corrosion, their surgically sharpened three-sided points pierce with ease. Learn their different designs, overall features, as well as their uses in the following review.

Eagle Claw Trokar Circle Hooks

Trokar Lancet Offset Circle Hook By Eagle Claw

Product: Eagle Claw Trokar Circle Hooks.

Overall Ranking: 91 out of 100.

Price: Mid range.

Company/Owner: Wright & McGill Co.


Intro To Trokar Circle Hooks

It was back in the late 1920s when Eagle Claw first swept the country by storm. Their new hook design had a curve to the point, much like the claw of an eagle, and it could catch fish. Fast forward to 2009 and Eagle Claw was at it again. This time they developed a triangular point and wanted the three sides as sharp as possible. In turning to the medical field for answers, Eagle Claw discovered their Lazer Sharpening Process.

These hooks are now well established in the angling community, and not only for their incredibly sharp three-sided points. Using high carbon steel, a proprietary cold & heat forging process, and a fortified shank, Trokar Circle Hooks stand up to the most rigorous pressures. Discover the details of the various circle designs, their uses, as well as their specifications in the next passages.

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Trokar Circle Hook Models, Specs, & Features


TK197 Primal Circle Hook

The Trokar 197 Primal Circle Hook uses a light wire which consists of high carbon steel. With a non-forged shank, they aid the swim pattern of smaller or more delicate baitfish. Primal Circle Hooks have a straight eye and the offset Lazer Trokar point reduces missed hooksets. Built for saltwater use, Primal Circle Hooks feature Eagle Claw’s Platinum Chrome Finish. The black colored finish helps conceal the hook as well as protecting it from corrosion.

The Eagle Claw Trokar Primal Circle Hook

Trokar Primal Circle Hooks are available to anglers in sizes 2/0 through 7/0. They come in packs with options in quantities according to the details below:

TK3 – TK4 Lancet Circle Hook

The Eagle Claw Trokar Lancet Circle Hook

Trokar Lancet Circle Hooks come in two models, both for saltwater anglers with a corrosive resistant Platinum Chrome Finish. Anglers have the option of the TK3 offset point or TK4 non-offset point version, depending on their needs. While non-offset points fit certain reef and tournament requisites, offset points have a higher strike to hookset ratio.

Using a medium gauge high carbon steel wire with a forged shank, Trokar Lancet Circle Hooks require small to medium sardine size bait. They’re also more than effective for anglers fishing chunked bait. Other distinctions of the hook include a straight welded eye and a wide gap from the point to the shank.


Trokar Lancet Circle Hooks can be found in sizes as small as 1/0 and up to 9/0. Packs come in different quantities according to the size of the hooks. Check the list below for full details.

TK3 Offset Quantities By Size

TK4 Inline (Non-Offset) Quantities By Size

TK5 All Purpose Circle Hook

Trokar TK5 All Purpose Circle Hooks have a medium gauge wire perfect for medium to larger size live bait. Made for saltwater use, they feature the black colored Platinum Finish which protects against corrosion. They have a standard size gap from point to the forged shank. TK5 model design includes a straight welded eye and an inline (non-offset) point. Anglers will, of course, take advantage of reduced piercing resistance with the Lazer Trokar medically sharpened three-sided point.

The Eagle Claw Trokar All Purpose Circle Hook

Eagle Claw makes Trokar All Purpose Circle Hooks in larger 7/0. 8/0. and 9/0 sizes. Anglers can choose packages by the bulk or the smaller pocket size pouches. Check the list below for full details.

TK619 – TK619Hi 619 Magnum Circle Hook

The Eagle Claw Trokar 619 Magnum Circle Hook

One of the most versatile hooks in the Trokar collection, the 619 Circle Hook offers a wide range of sizes. Like the TK3 and TK4 models, the difference between the 619 and 619Hi is the point. The 619 has the offset point while the 619Hi changes to the tournament appropriate inline point. Both model designs include a straight welded eye and a normal length gap from point to shank.

Unlike the TK3 – TK4 Circle Hooks, anglers can choose either a medium or heavy gauge wire. Eagle Claw also offers the 619 in a strong solid ringed version. These welded rings add action to live bait and strength to the overall design. They also provide a pivot point which won’t wear as big a hole around the puncture area once set in a fishes mouth.


Eagle Claw produces the Trokar 619 Circle Hook in sizes 1/0 through 12/0 depending on the design. They are available in smaller or bulk quantity packages in certain models. See the details below for full specifications.

Trokar 619 – Medium Gauge Wire, Offset Point, Straight Eye Circle Hooks

The Eagle Claw Trokar 619 Magnum Ringed Circle Hook

Trokar 619R – Medium Gauge Wire, Offset Point, Straight Ringed Eye Circle Hooks

Trokar 619H – Heavy Gauge Wire, Offset Point, Straight Eye Circle Hooks

Trokar 619HR – Heavy Gauge Wire, Offset Point, Straight Ringed Eye Circle Hooks

Trokar 619Hi – Heavy Gauge Wire, Inline Point (Non-Offset), Straight Eye Circle Hooks

Features Of Trokar Circle Hooks

Circle Hook Design

At the top of the list in features is the shape of Trokar Circle Hooks. Their rise in popular use is due in part for improved handling of the fish. While J-shaped designs will hook a fish in the gut when swallowed, the shape of the circle hook catches the corner of the mouth. It gives a fish a much higher survival rate by reducing damage from the hook.

Circle hooks also offer an advantage to anglers who chase larger species, whether catch and release or for sustenance. Hooking a fish in the corner of the mouth keeps the line away from teeth that can end the fight. Trokar Circle Hooks have either an inline point or a curve that offsets the point. Offset points have a higher hookup percentage but can do more damage to the fish. Inline points have much less chance of hooking a fish inside the mouth but tend to miss more strikes.

High Carbon Steel With A Bolstered Shank

All Trokar Circle Hooks share certain features which are exclusive to the Trokar design. It starts with Eagle Claw’s use of higher than average carbon content in their steel wire.  Each design adds strength to the hook with a bit more steel in the shank.

Proprietary Heat & Cold Forging Process

Once the formation of the wire is complete, it goes through a cold forging process. This gives the wire it’s strength and keeps it from snapping upon initial high impact strikes. Next, the hook undergoes a heat forging process at just the right temperature. This final step in the forging process allows the hook to flex under extreme pressure where non-forged hooks tend to break.

Trokar Geometric Triangular Point

A look at the point of Trokar Circle Hooks reveals an obvious departure from standard designs. Their perfect geometrically triangular pattern uses exact angles to form the strongest point possible. The result is three edges that lead to the point with cuts that remove the only a small amount of steel. Once the three-sided point is complete, it’s ready for the sharpening process.

Surgically Sharpened Edges

When drawing up the idea for the Trokar Hook design, the Eagle Claw team turned to the medical industry for assistance. By borrowing their laser sharpening technology, they are able to sharpen each of the three edges to ultra-cutting precision. The result is a point that pierces twice as fast and with 50% less resistance than standard hooks.

Platinum Chrome Plating / Finish

Eagle Claw puts a Platinum Chrome Finish on each model of their Trokar Circle Hooks. The black color is a saltwater favorite for hiding the hook in live or chunk bait. Just as important as concealment is the anti-corrosive property of the chrome. While Trokar Circle Hooks won’t hold up indefinitely if left in a puddle of saltwater, the finish will protect them for years if kept in dry storage.

Solid Ringed-Eye Options

Available in Trokar 619 Magnum Circle Hook models, the solid ring through a straight eye gives anglers an extra advantage. Rings take some of the stress off the hook during the hookset and the battle, so making a stronger overall unit. They also provide a pivot point that accomplishes two feats. It gives live bait a more natural swim pattern and so a better presentation. Finally, the pivot point helps reduce wear around the puncture area where the hook is set.

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Pros & Cons


It’s the circular shape of the hook that enables it to set in the corner of the fish’s mouth that makes it so unique. But Trokar Circle Hooks have many advantages besides their shape. The use of high carbon steel is kinder to fish that happen to break off. It corrodes and falls out much faster than stainless steel, the other main choice in saltwater hook material.

Take notice of the welded eyes on Trokar Circle Hooks. They don’t turn and meet at the shank, leaving a place where the line can possibly slip through. At first look, the prices seem higher than other name brands. A closer look shows that Trokar puts in a few more hooks per pack, making the value equal. Besides the shape of the circle and the forging processes used to strengthen the wire, it’s the effectiveness of the Trokar point that makes the hooks so valued.


Circle hooks come with the drawback of missing more strikes than standard J hook shapes. They have the upside of a better hookset when they do catch, but that may not always be the most important factor. Bottom fishing often requires an angler to set the hook, which isn’t the best method to hook up using the circle shape. Circle hooks are most effective when the fish runs with the bait, then is stopped by the setting of the drag.

Though Trokar hooks come with more hooks per pack, that doesn’t help an angler spread his budget when he needs a range of hooks. Trokar Circle Hooks also lack any red-colored models, an option some saltwater anglers prefer. Along the same lines, there aren’t many bulk package options either. Brands such as Owner, Mustad, and Gamakatsu offer packs with smaller quantities. They also have options with red plating as well as more bulk choices.

Best Uses For Trokar Circle Hooks

Trokar Circle Hooks are most effective on the fly line or drifting chunked bait. It’s the speed of fast swimming game fish that helps set the hook in its intended place. Just putting the reel in gear is usually all it takes to get a proper hookset because of the circle design.

Knowing which hook to get for your needs requires some information. And when it comes to fishing, information isn’t always available until you’re on the water. For instance, the bait barge doesn’t always get to choose the size or type of bait available. It’s best to be ready for a range of different sizes and quality when it comes to live bait.

To do that, spread your choices between light, medium, and heavy gauge wires. If you know you’re after bigger species, go with heavy wire and a larger ought size range. For medium to smaller Tuna, Dorado, yellowtail, and other similar species, medium wire hooks in a smaller ought range make a sensible choice.

Eagle Claw Customer Support

Customers can get in touch with Eagle Claw via their website in several manners. Their Contact Us Page includes their physical mailing address in Denver, Co. It also provides a general phone number, fax, and email contact info. Eagle Claw provides an enormous amount of products and services to anglers including rods & reels, weights & sinkers, leaders, and more. You can also look into a career or pro sponsorship with Eagle Claw, all on accessible on their website.

Parting Thoughts

91 out of 100 anglers approve of Trokar Circle Hooks

Although Eagle Claw may not be the first name that comes to mind for offshore anglers, Trokar Circle Hooks more than make the grade. Years of experience shows through in the excellent hook strength and laser-sharp point technology. If you have a personal experience fishing any of the above Trokar Circle Hooks, let us know your opinion. Feel free to ask any questions you might have or add any pertinent information using the comment section below. Thanks for reading and tight lines until next time.

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